Monday, June 14, 2010


Here arises a solution for the problem faced by physically challenged person through an invention that enables them to play computer games as same as the normal people. The students of ICL have developed an open source game called 'Pong', where a player uses his eye to move a bat to hit a ball as it bounces around the screen. To play the game, the user needs to wear special infrared light glasses containing a webcam linked to a laptop that records the movement of one eye. This will take care of synchronization. Still the process is on to play lot of games and applications such as wheelchairs and computer cursors controlled by eye movements through this technology. I hope in future, people might be able to blink to turn pages in an electronic book, or switch on their favorite song, with the roll of an eye. The major benefit of this new technology is that it is inexpensive, using off-the-shelf hardware.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!!!! Cool site.. i added u as a friend. Link me back.
