Recently I heard from a study which states that people with higher level of exposure to pesticides are more likely to have suicidal thoughts. A recent survey carried out in central/coastal China found that greater exposure to agricultural pesticides, which are very easily absorbed into the body through the skin and lungs, may have adverse effects on mental health. During the survey, 9,811 rural residents of Zhejiang province were asked how they stored pesticides and whether or not they had considered suicide within the two years before the interview. An analysis of the data collected showed that people who stored pesticides at home, those with easy exposure, were more likely to report recent suicidal thoughts. The team found that suicidal thoughts were also associated with how easily accessible these pesticides were in the home. It showed that people living in areas with highest home storage of pesticides had highest levels of suicidal thoughts. It’s a dangerous but precautious sign and farmers has to be aware of it.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Have you seen recent advertisement of M/S SAINT GOBAIN GLASSES shown in TV - Then you must have known about 2 Way mirror) How to determine if a mirror is 2 way or not ? (Not a Joke!) Not to scare you, but to make sure that you aware. Many of the Hotels and Textile showrooms cheat the customers this way.
When we visit toilets, bathrooms, hotel rooms, changing rooms, etc.,How many of you know for sure that the seemingly ordinary mirror hanging on the wall is a real mirror, or actually a 2-way mirror I.e., they can see you, but you can't see them. There have been many cases of people installing 2-way mirrors in female changing rooms or bathroom or bedrooms. It is very difficult to positively identify the surface by just looking at it. So, how do we determine with any amount of certainty what type of mirror we are looking at?
Place the tip of your fingernail against the reflective surface and if there is a GAP between your fingernail and the image of the nail, then it is a GENUINE mirror. However, if your fingernail DIRECTLY TOUCHES the image of your nail, then BEWARE, IT IS A 2-WAY MIRROR! (There may be someone seeing you from the other side).. So remember, every time you see a mirror, do the "fingernail test." It doesn't cost you anything. It is simple to do. This is a really good thing to do. The reason there is a gap on a real mirror, is because the silver is on the back of the mirror UNDER the glass. Whereas with a two-way mirror, the silver is on the surface. Keep it in mind! Make sure and check every time you enter in hotel rooms.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Do you have any problem with the registry files? i recommend you a perfect solution i.e. CleanMyPC Registry Cleaner which can clean your Windows registry, tune up your PC and keep it in peak performance! It scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. By fixing these obsolete information in Windows registry, your system will run faster and error free. The backup/restore function of the tool let you backup your whole Windows Registry so you can use it to restore the registry to the current status in case you encounter some system failure. Besides above, the startup and BHO organizer feature let you manage your startup and IE BHO items with ease, and you can control the programs started with Windows and IE more handy with this feature! In short, this Registry Cleaner help you to achieve a cleaner, faster system.
Main Registry Cleaner Features:
� Automatic Registry Scanning and Cleanup
� Backup and Restore the full Registry
� Registry Defrag and Registry Compact
� Tracks Eraser feature for privacy protection
� Startup Organizer
� IE BHO Organizer
� Improve system performance
� Remove Trojan which utilize startup items and IE BHO
OS: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008/2003/2000, Windows NT4, Windows ME, Windows 98
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Jonathan James born on 12-12-1983 turned out to be the world’s most threatening and biggest hacker. At the age of 16, he hacked in to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Jonathan James also hacked in to the NASA systems and stole software worth $1.7 million. He lived for a very short period of life and he died at the age of 24. The exact reason for his death is not revealed but according to the sources it seems that he committed suicide. But no one knows how far this is going to be true. He is termed to be the Worlds best since in a very short span of his life he cracked down all the high profile organizations security including that of NASA. He would have become more difficult for the world to compete in the field of hacking. Hats off to him for his talent in terms of knowledge.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Arunachal Pradesh - It is a clean sweep for the Congress in this Northeastern state. Out of the 57 sets for which elections were held it is leading in the 31 seats out of the 36 seats for which trends are available. The BJP is leading in one seat while others are leading in the four seats. Three candidates have been declared elected unopposed.
Haryana - Congress has managed to cross the half-way mark in the 90 seat Assembly. The Congress is now ahead in as many as 46 seats, while the INLD is ahead in 24 seats and the BJP flag flying high only in four seats. Congress’ Vinod Sharma and Savitri Jindal have been declared victorious from
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Want to save power while working in the computer? Desktop consume about 150 watts average power which depends on the hardware installed on the computer. Energy consumption will also rise if the computer is constant over time. Yet is it true that solar-powered computers are not the flashiness that kind Technophiles love to give? Two years ago, Lenovo proves that computers run on solar energy can be sexy too. Lenovo was definitely in the right direction when it launched its Blue Sky A61e PC two years ago.
This lightweight model ThinkCentre PCs at only 8 pounds, Energy Star 4.0 compliant, can run on only 45 watts, and can run on solar panels. PC is the ugly and awkward. It is not clear that - with the AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core or AMD Sempron processor, 4 GB RAM worth, and ultra-small hard drive of up to 750 GB of space value, is the most striking part, Power PC-pig away. However, you do not replace existing computers by solar energy when the computer is still doing well. It is possible to run the gadgets and tools, even power-hungry desktop on solar energy. All you have to do is to buy two or three solar panels and use their power for your home. The cost of solar panels is just one small part of the money you will cough when buying a computer.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Hi friends, you can watch enjoy the 3D technology in your home, no need to go to the theatres for watching 3D movies. This is possible with the help of TV manufacturers who are now focused on this new technology. Companies like Samsung, Panasonic, Sharp, Sony, and Toshiba are all getting competitive to first launch of this new technology product. But, Panasonic and Sony are likely going to hit the market in 2010 with this new product. The 3D TV’s have already been put in to display in the recent Japan ’s electronic show. The consumers, who have already watched 3D movies previously in theatres, would not oppose the idea of watching in their home. User have to buy a pair of special 3D glasses along with the TV’s to watch experience the new technology in their living rooms. However, consumers can watch all their favorite action movies on DVD, sporting events, play videos in 3D. The 3D TV’s may be available at a price of at least $5,000 when it gets introduced in to the consumer market. The consumer has to buy special 3D glasses for $50 along with the product.
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009
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