Thursday, October 29, 2009


Recently I heard from a study which states that people with higher level of exposure to pesticides are more likely to have suicidal thoughts. A recent survey carried out in central/coastal China  found that greater exposure to agricultural pesticides, which are very easily absorbed into the body through the skin and lungs, may have adverse effects on mental health. During the survey, 9,811 rural residents of Zhejiang province were asked how they stored pesticides and whether or not they had considered suicide within the two years before the interview. An analysis of the data collected showed that people who stored pesticides at home, those with easy exposure, were more likely to report recent suicidal thoughts. The team found that suicidal thoughts were also associated with how easily accessible these pesticides were in the home. It showed that people living in areas with highest home storage of pesticides had highest levels of suicidal thoughts. It’s a dangerous but precautious sign and farmers has to be aware of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi nice post & information ...(http://technotexter.co.cc/)
