Friday, November 9, 2012

Trace Magic

Here is a tool (TraceMagic) I have come across recently which would be helpful for PeopleSoft admin as well as the developers. TraceMagic is designed primarily to address the difficulty in working with tracesql files when attempting to determine which SQL statement(s), and or People Code programs are causing performance problems. It helps the user to quickly isolate performance bottlenecks in SQL Statements and/or PeopleCode functions by turning the text-based, time-ordered tracesql file into a sortable-grid display.

The size of TraceMagic Installer would be in terms of Kilobytes and the installation part is very simple.  A double-click on setup.exe icon will take care of whole setup. Once the program starts, select the toolbar button "open folder" and browse your computer for a *.tracesql file, then you can view the data in a series of sortable grids. The ‘Statistics’ option will give you a clear picture about the event durations and the kind of DML statements involved. Getting the distinct tables involved in the whole transaction/navigation is possible with this tool.

In session level tracing, while other trace flags settings will work with this tool, it is highly recommended that the flags set during the creation of the tracesql file be those six checked settings shown below. The two additional items that are checked and highlighted are optional.  

Like other utilities, TraceMagic too has certain requirements and restrictions. It requires Microsoft .net Framework Version 4 and is compatible with Windows XP (32-bit) and later releases. It may not function perfectly when multi-line entries are present in a tracesql file. Large tracesql files can severely reduce the performance of TraceMagic, and in cases when file size is near available RAM, it may quit without any warning (crash). Hope this article can save you some time for tea break.


  1. Hello, there is another place to download the trace magic tool, without login?

  2. Hi,Can you please the share image file of trace magic?
